Wednesday, December 22, 2010

# 9

Joined Cub Scouts

In September we signed the boys up for Cub Scouts. We have had a few meetings and even a campout. During the campout we went through our induction into scouts with a special ceremony. Sam and Toby were completely thrilled with the war paint in various colors on their face. I pinned their Bobcat pins on them upside down, since they had to complete a good deed to get it turned over. They go their chance to do that good deed when they helped clean up the leaves at Mima and GG’s house.

They also had their first turn at selling popcorn for the scouts and really enjoyed walking around Jeff’s office in their uniforms to ask for orders and then a few weeks later to deliver the goods.

Just last week we had our first Cub Scouts Christmas Party. The boys love seeing their friends from school at the Pack Meetings and I even signed up to be in charge of special celebration this spring for the Pack.

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