Wednesday, December 22, 2010

# 10

Class 5 Rapid – Or as I like to call it a Class 5 Waterfall

Over the summer we spent some time in Oregon. The last weekend of our trip we journeyed to Washington to paddle the White Salmon River with my brother and his wife’s family. The boys watched us from the safety of the shore.

Torrents of glacial runoff made this ride almost non-stop. We paddled through “Corkscrew Falls” and even held on tight for the Class 5 Husum Falls where we went completely underwater. Some of the boats in our group capsized. One of our boat mates fell out, but Jeff was able to pull him back in to safety.

We hope to do this again, and look forward to taking on that monster fall at the end. What a ride!

1 comment:

Mrs. C said...

Hi Sam and Toby
WOW! I can't believe how active you guys are! I loved the pictures and your
Mother's stories about all the wonderful adventures you have experienced! I am
impressed with both of you accomplishing the 100 new words list.Way to go! You
have the nicest parents! They are so involved in everything you two guys want to
do.You are very lucky! It takes MUCH time and work to do all they do;as you must
realize there are TWO boys to transport to and from your many activities! When
you are grown-up men;and have a family of your own;THEN you will truly
appreciate ALL that your parents are doing for you.They love you very much!
Thanks for sharing with us,all the wonderful things you have done.I love the
pictures too.
Much Love and big hugs to each of you,
PS We wish you and your family a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!