Wednesday, December 22, 2010

# 7

Extra-curricular activities fill our life.

I am often lugging the boys around to some event, sport or practice. This last year we tried T-ball, floor hockey, choir and continued to dance.
Floor hockey turned out be a blast. As parents we laughed a lot. Those little kids running after the puck with sticks larger than them…classic. Sam using his stick as a gun instead of playing…even better. We didn’t win, but we had a fun!

T-ball turned out to be a pretty good time too. The weather was perfect and both boys improved their throw and even hit the ball a little further with every game. There were some tears towards the end of the season as Toby figured out he isn’t a super fast runner. I think he will be surprised next year when he plays at how much speedier he is.

Choir had us driving out of Boulder City and miles into Las Vegas for rehearsals. The boys really enjoyed singing every week and did great at their concert. The choir moved 45 miles away from our house, so we did not join back up. Hopefully next year we will find a new choir to join.

Our ballet and tap lessons have continued on since being 3. This year we left the original studio we started at and joined a new one. The boys dancing has improved and we are loving the families and instructors at the new studio. The boys just performed in a Winter Concert, dancing both tap and ballet.

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