Monday, August 30, 2010

1st Grade Here We Come!

That's right! We are 1st graders!!!!!!!

We have been getting ready for this day for 2 weeks in what our parents called "Back 2 School Boot Camp".
Here is how our training went:

1. Alarm clock that helped us get up on our own by 7:30. Most mornings during the 2nd week of B2S BootCamp we were up before the alarm even went off.

2. Breakfast and dressed before 8 am.

3. No snacks or drinks other than water until 11:30. (This was hard the first few days - we are snackers.)

4. Packed lunch in our really cool lunch boxes. We do not care for sandwiches so we get hot pasta. Also we had to learn to open packages and find alternative ways to package items we could not open on our own. (We loved this part of B2S BC)

5. Pick out our clothes the night before so we do not have to figure it out blurry eyed.

6. Practicing reading our sight words. Drilling on addition math facts. Writing to get the shakes out.

7. Learning to shower ourselves. (Sam is a fan and can do it mostly all by himself.)

8. Bedtime by 8 pm.
So after 2 weeks of training we were ready to go this morning with extra time and a pep in our step. Now granted we woke up before 6:30 pretty excited. A little nervous too, but Mom and Dad assured us that all would go well. We will let you know!

Happy First Day of School to our friends, family and teacher buddies!


Anonymous said...

Good Mom and Dad... What more could you do to prepare them for 1st grade. They will do just
wonderful....Hugs to all G'ma joan

Anonymous said...

Happy second day of school! It looks like your mom and dad did a great job helping you prepare during B2S BootCamp. I miss you both - sending lots of hugs and kisses with this email xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox!

Aunt Chrystell