Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Great Lunchbox Mix-up

Getting to school early enough to play on the playground is a must.
Day 2 we went to the Book Fair before school and each picked out a book. One is a Star Wars book in 3D with really cool glasses. The other is Ladybug Girl. Our second day went great, except for the big lunch box switch-up!
We go out to play before we eat lunch and we place our lunch boxes on our line. After playtime we grab our lunches and head inside to cool down and fill up our tummies. Well another boy with the same lunchbox as Toby grabbed Toby's lunchbox and Toby grabbed his. When Toby realized it wasn't his lunch he told the principal but he didn't really believe him. So Toby didn't eat the lunch, since it wasn't his.
So when we get home and Mom realizes it is the wrong lunch box, she sees a message on her phone from the school. Toby's lunchbox is in the office. We planned to switch it in the morning. Well Mom posted on Facebook about the lunchbox mix-up and the mom of the other boy found her post and sent her a message. They chatted about the mix-up and how amazing technology can be.
Today Toby had Dad's lunchbox and kept his quarter for chocolate milk in his pocket - just in case. All went well. Whew! Tomorrow we will add a blue ribbon to Toby's lunchbox, so he can tell right away if he has the right one.
We both had P.E. today and it was ok. Sam is really looking forward to Art tomorrow and Toby loved Music.
Day 3 is in the bag! Time for some video games and snacks!

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