Friday, January 14, 2011

Family Date Night Spinning Our Way

 Tonight was a family date night. One of those nights when Mom and Dad surprise us with something fun to do. The past few times had been going to the movies, but tonight they took us to our favorite museum.

We enjoyed a Member's Sneak Peak at the new exhibit opening at Lied's Children's Museum. As if the museum wasn't cool to start with, this exhibit took it to the next level. We will definitely be going back to spin in the Ice Skaters Chair, the Human Centrifuge, build ramps for speed and all the other science fun of spinning we can handle before falling over dizzy!

After the museum Mom and Dad took us to IHOP for pancakes, eggs and bacon. Yummy!
It was a late night for all of us, and we went to bed without a peep. That is a great FDN!

1 comment:

Mrs C said...

Hi Sam and Toby! Boy,are you guys LUCKY to have such nice parents to take you to wonderful places! When you are grown up,you will remember these special times,sharing with them.Love and hugs,Always,Mrs."C"