Wednesday, December 22, 2010

# 1

We moved into our new home!

Our biggest event this year was the completion of the remodel of the Comanche House. It is the house Jeff grew up in and he had wanted to buy it for years. I finally agreed under the condition we would change it to make it ours. We bought the house from Jeff’s mom and started tearing it down to the footprint and the fireplace. Walls came down and supports went into the ceiling. For months we could walk into the house from any spot and we spent days planning the best way to use the space.

Jeny’s dad did the construction. A family friend started the electrical and wound up in the hospital and Jeff’s dad and Jeff worked with some others to finish it off. Brian did the finish plumbing, his cousin installed the cabinets, and BJ rocked (literally) the gigantic master shower.
When we finally got to move in, we had a semi truck worth of stuff to go through. We had most of our belongings in storage for over a year and as we didn’t miss most of it- we didn’t keep it. We had a huge garage sale and then loaded a U-haul full of stuff to donate.

We absolutely love the house. Having the chance to design it and make it ours was a wonderful, yet tiresome experience. We could not have done it without the help of so many family and friends. We are truly blessed with the support we had throughout the process.
The kids have a blast in their toy room and having a place for their stuff to live has made keeping the house picked up a breeze. They really enjoy the ability to travel around the whole house in a big circle, and often chase each other.

Now we need to decide how to do our front and back yard. The huge Mulberry tree in the front yard does not allow much to grow in the front yard, so some shade loving flowers are going to be very happy.

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