Saturday, January 8, 2011

Surprise Sleep Over

Cameron plays Star Wars
Our cousins came over for a surprise sleep over. Mom and Aunt Jen planned it today! We came home from dance and saw Chase crawling around, then Haley and Cam jumped out to surprise us. There we lots of screams, hugs and excitement.
We played hard! We had Nerf gun wars, light saber duels, played castle, Star Wars, ate an awesome dinner where Chase was King and Jessie was the Queen, and had brownies for dessert.
Mom let us play until around 9 and we were all crashed by 9:30.
Chase had fun playing with Jessie and the oranges. He also danced, rode his car and played some music along with the Laurie Berkner DVD.

Sam Playing Star Wars

Haley Playing Jungle

Toby playing Star Wars Road Trip

Eating Dinner

Chase & Jessie


Look at my double throw!

Empty Bowl


Hey give me that!

1 comment:

Grams said...

cool time had by all luv it