Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow Fun

Jessie took the brunt of the snowballs.
Jessie lives about 5 miles from the Mt. Charleston turn off, and since we were giving her a lift home from the airport we planned a quick trip to play in the snow. We didn't get up the mountain until after 3 and we were one of the few cars going up, as most cars were coming down. It made finding a parking place close to the action a snap and got us in the action right away.
The boys were not shy and had snowballs flying instantly. Jessie was a good sport as they both seemed to go after her the most. We only played for about 20 minutes (Jessie had to get to work), but it turned out to be just enough. Right before we were leaving, Toby threw a snowball a little too close to Sam and nailed him under the left eye. It really smarted and we left with Sam in tears. He actually has a pretty good scratchy bruise too.

Watch out mom!

Armed and ready


That's a big snowball!


Snow Angel

Watch out

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