Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sick Day

We had a routine doctor appointment today with the allergist and had planned to go back to school afterwards, but it turns out that Sam has a raging ear infection in his right ear and a possible sinus infection too. That would explain the crying Saturday night that his ear hurt so bad, the insane snoring and general lack of enthusiasm that he usually shows every day. His lungs sound clear, which is really great news when you are a boy with asthma who is sick.
We enjoyed a nice breakfast at IHOP and now he gets to stay home, rest and start his antibiotic. We are watching movies and keeping warm.
In a few weeks we will go in for a check up on the ear and get a flu shot. Whenever he hears "get a shot" he totally freaks out. "I'm not that sick mom", "where will they put the shot?", "does Toby get one too?".


Grandma Joan said...

Sam, you tough guy, I am sorry you are not feeling too well. Grandma Joan will keep you in my prayers tonight and tomorrow. I want you to feel better soon so you can go back to school soon. Stay warm. Pipa and Gma Joan need one of those "flu shots" also. Love you, get well soon and tell Brother Toby I love him also and not to get sick.......joan.....

Mrs. C said...

Get Well Soon!Love and a big hug,Mrs."C"

Terri said...

Amazing...they are so photogenic....