Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kids with Cameras

Jeff figuring out the helicopter.
Sam wanted to take some pictures with my Canon this morning. So I set him up on auto and followed him around praying it didn't get dropped or banged up. Eventually Toby wanted to take pictures too, so we pulled out the Olympus that hasn't been used much since I got the canon. The two of them took about 4 dozen photos. These are few of my favorites. Not too bad for little guys! I changed them all to black and white. 

Toby taking pictures.
The best part was that as nervous as I was with them holding my cameras in their shaky little hands, Jeff was even worse. He was just sure they would ruin the cameras. I held my ground that they will be fine. Pointing out to him when it was all done and he said that they did better than he feared, that they can not learn to treat things with respect and caution unless we give them the chance to.
They did great. I think I am going to start shopping for some good but not too pricey point and shoot cameras for them. Set them up with some software on their computer and teach them how to do something with their photos.

Sam taking pictures.
Jeny staying warm in her robe!

1 comment:

Mima said...

Then Sam and Toby can teach Mima!