Friday, December 25, 2009

Is It Really Christmas Day?

When Mom woke us up this morning Toby popped right up to say "Sam it's Christmas, Santa came last night, I know it!" Sam replied "Is it REALLY Christmas Day?" Then we came out to see if our wish lists were waiting for us in the form of toys! As you can see we were pretty happy with what we saw.
Pipa and Grandma Joan came over to see us open our presents and have a yummy breakfast. We gave them an ornament that we made in school. Santa gave us almost everything on our wish list and we are thrilled with the many Bakugans and video games we received.

Last night we said good-bye to our Elf, Freddie. This year Freddie was late arriving because he had the flu. Santa sent a helper we named Mousey to fill in while Freddie recovered. We will miss looking for Freddie every day, but we know he did his job in telling Santa all about us.
Later we will be going to Pipa and Grandma Joan's for dinner and our last gift exchange. Check back tonight for pics of that get together.
Merry Christmas.

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